Apprenticeship Climate & Energy

The aim of this course is to train highly skilled engineers in the fields of energy, climate and environmental transition engineering.

At the end of this course, you will have a thorough knowledge of eco-development, energy efficiency and environmental management concepts, giving you the skills to propose and implement technological solutions that factor in regulatory, economic and environmental restrictions.

You will be able to guide complex industrial platforms and act as an organiser and coordinator.


This is a three-year course.

The first two years are based on a core curriculum divided evenly between engineering science and techniques, management and humanities.

This course has been designed in partnership with experts from a number of partner institutions and companies (including EDF, SUEZ, VINCI, ETDE, SERCE, COSTIC and CCI).

During the first year, the focus is on the core sciences and includes some of the general content from the standard course.

The second year is geared towards technological tools and managerial sciences, and introduces technologies relating to the professions targeted by the course.

The final year includes the equivalent of an academic semester devoted to giving you more in-depth knowledge and skills, and to an assignment in a company involving a final year industrial project.

This program can be open to international students who have already spent more than one year studying in France.